Rep. Amy Elik Alarmed by Audit Findings

State Representative Amy Elik released the following statement in response to the Illinois Auditor General’s report on the state-run HBIA/HBIS program for undocumented immigrants, which far exceeded enrollment and cost estimates:

“Last year, I, through the Legislative Audit Commission, directed the Auditor General to conduct an audit of the Health Benefits for Immigrant Seniors and Adults (HBIA/HBIS), and the results were released today and are alarming. As House Republicans predicted, the audit found astounding differences in the estimates of the program versus the actual enrollment and expenses. We must do better. Now is the time and this is the opportunity to work for taxpayers, not promote fraud and overspending.”

See Rep. Elik’s House floor comments here:

Read the full audit report here: 25-HFS-HBIS-HBIA-Perf-Digest.pdf.