Rep. Elik Encourages You to Nominate Illinoisan of the Day

The Illinois State Fair Museum Foundation is seeking 10 individuals to spotlight each day of the Illinois State Fair as an Illinoisan of the Day. The Illinoisan of the Day program looks to honor individuals who exemplify the qualities and characteristics associated with Illinois- integrity, dependability, sense of community and strong ethics.

Illinoisan of the Day nominees should be involved in service activities, educational projects, and /or youth programs, and have an affiliation with state and/or county fairs in Illinois. In addition, nominees must have shown their true Illinois spirit through continued volunteerism and community service.

“This is a great opportunity for you to recognize someone from our community that embodies the qualities and characteristics of our great state.” said Elik. “I encourage you to nominate your friend, neighbor, or colleague for this honor!”

Illinoisan of the Day winners will receive honors on their special day during this year’s Illinois State Fair, which takes place August 8 – 18.

Nomination forms can be obtained by visiting the museum foundation website at The deadline for nomination is July 20.