Rep. Elik’s Capitol Update

I’ve been keeping busy this summer and wanted to update you on some important issues throughout the 111th district. This week, I’ll update you on Betraying Faith, corruption, the economy, HB4255, and the 2024 Summer Olympics.


After I passed Faith’s Law in 2021, I identified a loophole in the legislation. The original legislation established the definition of sexual misconduct within the school code and outlined the requirements for schools to develop and post employee code of professional conduct policies. The updated legislation adds employment history reviews as part of the hiring and vetting process for schools and school contractors, requires notices to be provided to parents/guardians and the applicable student when there’s an alleged act of sexual misconduct, and makes other changes to the process schools must follow when handling allegations of sexual misconduct.

Faith’s Law was intended to protect all students, but as written it didn’t take into consideration students who were 18 years old or older. As a result, when a student turned 18 they were no longer protected by Faith’s Law. What’s more, in Illinois students with disabilities can continue their high school education until they reach the age of 23. They too are not covered by the law.

My legislation would close the loophole and protect all students, regardless of age, from acts of sexual conduct or sexual abuse by an educator or school staff member. Despite the need for the measure, the legislation remains bottled up in the Senate assignments committee.

Faith’s Law was highlighted in this weeks “Capitol Crimes” Podcast. Listen here.


McClain wants to be tried separately from Madigan in federal corruption case. A defendant in the upcoming federal prosecution of former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan wants his own trial separate from Madigan.

Defendant Michael McClain, a former state lawmaker and ComEd lobbyist known for his close association with Madigan, has filed a request to sever his trial from Madigan’s because Madigan’s defense team plans to blame McClain for any wrongdoing.

“McClain respectfully seeks severance of his case from Co-Defendant Michael Madigan because a joint trial will result in such prejudice to Mr. McClain that his fundamental due process right to a fair trial will be denied,” defense attorneys wrote in a motion before Judge John Blakey.

In an 11-page motion, McClain’s defense attorney, Patrick Cotter, alluded to Madigan’s plans, but those parts of the motion were redacted from public view. Regardless, Cotter said they can’t stand together.

“The Madigan Second Prosecutors’ defense theory logically precludes and excludes Mr. McClain’s theory of defense, making it necessary for the jury to reject one or the other to find either Defendant not guilty,” Cotter wrote in the motion. “Because of this situation, there is a serious danger, if not an inevitability, that the jury will decide the case by choosing which of the two defense theories they believe to be stronger, instead of deciding whether the Government has proven its case beyond a reasonable doubt. Mr. McClain is seriously prejudiced by exposure to this inevitable violation of his due process rights. This danger can and should be avoided by allowing Mr. McClain a separate trial.”

Madigan served in the Illinois House from 1971 to 2021, as speaker from 1983 to 1995 and again from 1997 to 2021. That made him one of the state’s most powerful politicians, especially given his role as head of the Democratic party in the state. He faces 23 counts of racketeering, bribery, and official misconduct as part of a federal indictment. Madigan has pleaded not guilty.

Madigan was initially charged along with convicted former lawmaker and lobbyist Michael McClain in March 2022 with 22 counts of racketeering and bribery for his alleged improper dealings with the state’s largest utility, ComEd. Prosecutors further alleged that he used his political power to unlawfully steer business to his private law firm, Madigan & Getzendanner. In October 2022, prosecutors filed a superseding indictment that charged Madigan and McClain with conspiracy related to an alleged corruption scheme involving AT&T Illinois.


CGFA report decries “Illinois’ poor economic performance.” The Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability (CGFA) recently released a report decrying “Illinois’ poor economic performance.” The report compared Illinois’ economy to the economies of other states, using four key metrics:

Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Illinois—long the economic powerhouse of the Midwest—has lagged behind its peers, the report notes, observing that “Illinois’ economy is growing slower than most other states.”

Following the economic shock caused by the COVID-19 shutdowns, Illinois’ economic growth has been an anemic 2.8%. When measured against other states, the report ranked Illinois as 46th in terms of growth with its economy even slipping into negative-growth range in the first quarter of 2024.

Total Nonfarm Payroll Employment

Illinois has also underperformed when it comes to creating jobs. While other states have significantly exceeded their pre-COVID jobs numbers, Illinois’ total nonfarm payroll jobs have lagged the national growth rate. The report notes:

“The U.S. now has just over 6.2 million more jobs than in February 2020, representing 4.1% growth. Illinois, on the other hand, has barely surpassed its pre-COVID-19 level, with approximately 14,000 more jobs in May 2024 than in February 2020, equating to only 0.2% growth. This ranks Illinois 45th in the nation.”

Unemployment Rate

Illinois’ unemployment has remained stubbornly above its peers for years. As the report observed:

“In May 2024, preliminary data indicates that Illinois’ seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 4.9%, which is 0.9% higher than the U.S. average of 4.0%, ranking 47th among the states and the District of Columbia. Over the last year, Illinois’ unemployment rate increased by 0.7 percentage points, from 4.2% to 4.9%. This increase is higher than the average state increase of 0.4% and the national increase of 0.3%.”

Total Personal Income

Illinois’ personal income growth has also lagged national trends. From the first quarter of 2023 to the first quarter of May 2024, personal income in Illinois grew at a 3.7% rate, trailing the national rate of 4.4%, according to CGFA. The report also notes that Illinois’s personal income growth ranked 46th compared to other states since the economic disruptions resulting from the handling of COVID-19.

CGFA operates under the authority of a bipartisan commission of twelve legislators. It is tasked to perform a number of economic and research tasks on behalf of the Illinois General Assembly.

The full report can be accessed here.


The Governor signed my bill to bolster safety protocols for tow truck operators and emergency responders throughout Illinois.

Under the new law, tow trucks and designated emergency vehicles will now be authorized to utilize green lighting in addition to amber and white when responding to incidents on roadways. This critical enhancement is designed to maximize visibility and situational awareness, significantly mitigating risks for both responders and the public.

Paw Paw Towing in Millstadt brought the need for this to the attention of myself and Senator Erica Harriss following the loss of one of their drivers last November. The driver, Wade Bivens, was struck by a car while working a scene on Interstate 255 near Columbia.

The enactment of HB4255 marks a pivotal step forward in safeguarding our emergency personnel. This legislation stands as a testament to Senator Harriss and my commitment to ensuring the safety of those who selflessly serve our communities.


Celebrating Illinois’ Olympic and Paralympic Athletes. The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris kicked off on July 26 and conclude on August 11. Athletes will compete in 32 sports and 329 medal events. 27 Olympic athletes and 9 Paralympic athletes from Illinois will represent the U.S. at the Summer Games.

I am excited to watch East Alton’s very own Jayden Ulrich as she competes in track and field! I was so proud to give Jayden a certificate from the House to congratulate her on winning state. This was three years ago, and when she met with me, I asked her what her goals were. Her answer – make it to the Olympics.

Congrats to Jayden and keep making us proud!

Meet the 2024 Olympians and Paralympians from Illinois.

Thank you for taking time to read my Capitol Update. As always, if you would like assistance with a state agency, please call my office at 618-433-8046.