Rep. Elik Partners with Manufacturers to Increase Training, Strengthen Workforce

On Wednesday Rep. Amy Elik partnered with the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (IMA) to discuss legislation she sponsored to explore ways to build career pathways for students and remove barriers that make it difficult to enter the workforce.

HB 3307 would allow students to take two years of career training education in place of two years of foreign language study.

HB 3308 would assist employers and their employees in the childcare crisis by creating a pilot program to allow manufacturers to open on-site childcare centers at no cost to their employees. Manufacturers would be required to follow staffing, medication, background check and liability insurance requirements, but would receive an expedited approval process.

The two house bills Rep. Elik sponsored are designed to build a workforce of the future by increasing education opportunities and removing barriers that prevent students from exploring jobs in the manufacturing industry.